Christian Wressnegger is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) heading the "Intelligent System Security" (intellisec) research group. He graduated at Graz University of Technology with a major in Computer Science and made his PhD at TU Braunschweig. His thesis "Efficient Machine Learning for Attack Detection" won the CAST/GI Dissertation Award for IT-Security 2019 (Runner-up).
His research revolves around combining the fields of machine learning and computer security. He develops methods in the area of application security and system security, for instance, approaches for attack detection or vulnerability discovery in software and embedded devices. Also, the robustness, security, and interpretability of machine learning
methods are central to his research.
He has published papers in proceedings of a number of prestigious conferences (e.g. ACM CCS, DSN, and RAID) and journals (e.g. JMLR), some of which have been awarded. Moreover, he actively contributes to the community by serving on program and artifact evaluation committees (e.g. USENIX Security, PETS, and WWW) as well as organizing conferences (e.g. as PC-Chair at ARES 2020).